Sober living

Unreality Check: Cognitive Dissonance in Narcissistic Abuse

Recognizing that people did not hate me as much as I did finally allowed me to extend self-forgiveness and remove much of the unneeded guilt that I was carrying. Being free of this guilt was one of the greatest experiences of my life, as I had carried it for so long and it did nothing but weigh me down. Today, I no longer berate myself for the actions of my past. For one, this is because I have made amends for them, but also I have come to the understanding that a lot of those actions were a direct result of my addiction.

cognitive dissonance treatment in sober living

Most often, relapse tends to be construed as a return to pretreatment levels of occurrence of the targeted behavior. Although there is some debate about the best definitions of lapse and relapse from theoretical and conceptual levels, these definitions should suffice. With little to no self-esteem, overcoming active addiction can have the added challenge of depression, requiring professional therapy.

Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Relapse

Why then do we keep a running list of our perceived failures and in some cases our successes? Why are you continuing to be defined cognitive dissonance theory by historical markers in life? For who you are is much more than those perceived markers that line your virtual roadmap.

What vitamins helps with cognitive function?

B vitamins like B6, B12, and B9 (folic acid) all play a role in brain health.

I think it is a problem to focus on the gender and not focus on the problem behavior. People who are addicted to heroin often develop trouble with sleeping. They can also experience mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Sobriety Doesn’t Have To Be a Chore

When considering and administering therapy for addiction recovery, it’s essential to evaluate different therapeutic methods. This is when the negatives of the addiction, including guilt and shame, can dominate the decisions they make. Believing that all the talk about the dangers of substance abuse is just propaganda with no basis in reality and that people are just being brainwashed. Harmful and painful addictive behaviors require a maze of lies, distortions, and psychotic denial to fend off the natural corrective consequences of cognitive and behavioral dissonance resulting from addiction. The cognitive dissonance is effectively wiped clean by changing how they feel towards their addiction.

cognitive dissonance treatment in sober living

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